Friday, November 30, 2012

We DID beat Michigan twice this year (at least)!!


After four years, we took back what's rightfully ours. We BEAT *ICHIGAN again for the American Red Cross blood battle of 2012!
Beautiful end of the semester and Michigan still sucks :)

Go Lincoln!


PS: Thank you all so much who donated blood this year, not just for the blood battle. You have truly made a difference in the life of at least 1 person (and on average 6 people have been saved with one donation). Love is strong and can move mountains! #lincolnlove

Monday, November 19, 2012

We can BEAT MICHIGAN... Help!!!

Blood drive updates from the ARC Coordinator!
Dear OSU Blood drive supporter, 
Thank you so very much for hosting/partnering on a blood drive during Blood Battle. We are doing very well and now we are down to the last few blood drives.

We are now officially down to the last 2 days of Blood Battle.

Michigan is now DONE with their drives and keeping their results from the past few days until we are done. The suspense!


Help BEAT BLUE!  SAVE LIVES!  GIVE BLOOD!  Bring the trophy back to OSU!

Add 2011 to this, Michigan has won for the past four years! :(

The last 2 days of Blood Battle are here---Tomorrow and Tuesday only!
Our goal is to have 500 donors to help us BEAT BLUE!
Schedules are not yet full for any of the blood drives this week - sign up on (sponsor code: buckeyes) or call 1-800-RED-CROSS. Promote this to your friends on facebook, twitter, instagram, etc...

For tomorrow's blood drives donors are encouraged to stop by the drive to make an appointment or come by as a walk-in.
For Tuesday's blood drive you are encouraged to call 1-800-RED-CROSS to make an appointment.

* Please keep in mind donors under the age of 19 must meet different height and weight guidelines (please see information attached).

Friday, November 16, 2012

Ballin' with the Prez!!!!

So, as if spending some quality time at Sloopy's eating good food with Brad, Danny, Sam, John, Mitchell, Ryan, Brittany, Hannah, Grace, Rachel, Brett, Bryan, Tom, Matthew, Thomas, Billy, Kevin and Zach *catching my breath* wasn't enough, we got joined by the one and only boss... PRESIDENT E. GORDON GEE!!!

And that's how Floor 18 rolls!!!!

PS: He said he would love to see the rest of the Lincoln Love family... Email him!!

Monday, November 5, 2012

‎"I know today is Monday and you assume it's probably going to suck, but according to statistics, there will be over 5,000 weddings, 10,000 childbirths, and 42 million hugs occurring today throughout the United States. Also today, there will be at least four people that win multi-million-dollar lotteries, and 600 people who get a promotion at work. There will be 600 dogs adopted, 35,000 balloons sold, and 800,000 Skittles eaten. Plus, the words 'I love you' will be said over nine million times. So again, I know today is Monday and you assume it's probably going to suck, but just smile, because according to statistics, it should actually be a really nice day."

I don't know who said this.. but I found it and thought it should be shared. Happy Monday!
